SeSsion XLIV, 15th april: EL CACIQUISMO: el clientelismo y las emociones

Person in charge:  Israel Vivar (UAM)

Language: Spanish


  • Moreno Luzón
  • George Fletcher
  • Exploring Loyalty

Venue: Zoom, 06:00 PM

Participants: Carlos Antonlín Rejón, Andrea Hormaechea, Arnaud Pierre, Alejandro Camino, Víctor Núñez-García, Javier M. Dos Santos, Andrea Rodríguez Tapia, Adrien Escoffier, Darina Martykánová

Darina Martykánová

Darina Martykánová is historian, dealing mainly with Spain and the Ottoman Empire. She works at the Departament of Modern History of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Her research focuses on the history of professions and on transnational circulation of knowledge. Her second line of research concerns the redefinition of masculinites in interaction with the discourse of "progress of civilisation".

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